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Phil McKinney
Phil McKinney's projects and teams named 3 times as "Most Innovative" by Fast Company Magazine

My passion is to help you explore creativity and innovation in ways that can genuinely transform your life and career.

Through articles, podcasts, and YouTube videos, I share insights and actionable tips gleaned from my experiences as the former CTO of HP and through my work as an author, speaker, and innovation coach.

My aim is to pay it forward by helping you and others succeed using creativity and innovation.

Your first step? Sign up for the FREE weekly innovation newsletter, where I and other leading innovators share insights, tips, and tools to help you unleash your creativity and become a game-changer in your industry.

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Innovation Begins When We Question Everything

Imagine unlocking your potential by seeing the world anew. A beginner's mind can spark creativity and innovation. Let go of fixed ideas and embrace fresh perspectives. This journey can transform your thinking and lead to remarkable breakthroughs.

Innovation Begins When We Question Everything
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Is Humanity's Dependence on Technology Good Or Bad?

Humanity has created a dependency on technology, which can significantly enhance problem-solving while eroding thinking skills. The key lies in the balanced, mindful use of technology to complement rather than supplant critical thinking and cognitive skills.

Is Humanity's Dependence on Technology Good Or Bad?
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Real Change Requires Intellectual Clarity

Why do so many people seem comfortable with half-baked ideas and vague statements? It's as if the art of thinking deeply has become old-fashioned. What happened to intellectual clarity?

Real Change Requires Intellectual Clarity
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Too Big to Fail? Think Again

It is dangerous to believe that an organization is immune to failure because of its size. Historical evidence proves that size and market dominance are no safeguards against failure. Success is earned by adaptability, innovation, and a relentless commitment to meeting changing demands.

Too Big to Fail? Think Again
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Our Addiction to Innovation Novelty

In a world where the newest, shiniest gadget seems to hold the promise of happiness, we find ourselves trapped in a relentless pursuit of innovation novelty. This addiction isn't just about the thrill of the new—it's a cycle that leaves us always wanting, never satisfied.

Our Addiction to Innovation Novelty
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Leadership Beyond Position and Title

Imagine wielding the power to influence the world, not from a grand podium, but through everyday actions that spark change. Leadership isn't confined to the corner office—it flourishes in the heart of those who dare to inspire. You hold that power. The question is, will you step forward and lead?

Leadership Beyond Position and Title
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The Imperfect Pursuit of Balance

Why is finding balance so hard? Pursuing balance requires reflection, prioritization, and embracing imperfection. Discover how to prioritize what's truly important in life and embrace imperfection.

The Imperfect Pursuit of Balance
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The Hidden Price of Tomorrow's Innovations

In the quest for a tech utopia, what shadows lurk behind innovation's glow? What are the untold costs and narratives masked in progress? We need to take a balanced perspective on technological utopianism so that we have a future that is not just bright but also truly beneficial for all.

The Hidden Price of Tomorrow's Innovations