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What Customer Segments Will Emerge In 5 Years

With any radical idea you will see the corporate antibodies come out of the woodwork, giving all the standard reasons why the idea will “never happen.” Remember, the fundamental assumption of the corporate antibody is that the future will be the same as today. Your customers are going to change.

What Customer Segments Will Emerge In 5 Years
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A Bizarre New Perspective on Brainstorm

We’ve all been in a meeting where we were asked to brainstorm.  The concept is familiar. Everyone involved writes out everything they can think of on the given topic, even if it seems strange, silly, or not quite practical, because sometimes, as we let our brains really run, we come across a solutio

creativity brainstorm
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Does Brainstorming Deserve its Bad Rap?

In the last few years, brainstorming has been shot down, put down, and dismissed. Why? Has the brainstorming process lived past its usefulness? Since 1941, when Alex Osborn changed the culture of advertising with innovative, nonjudgmental thought-generating, brainstorming has been a major part of th

brainstorming brainstorm innovation ideation process
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Brainstorming for Fun and Profit – 5 Tips for Teams

Today’s economy is not for the weak of heart.  From new media to flexible work hours to diverse workplaces, the business of business has become more complex than it ever was before.   To compete in the ever-changing marketplace, you have to be flexible, creative, and daring without forsaking sensibl

brainstorm for profit