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Innovation Arms Race: The Invisible Risk

The innovation arms race is the race to be the most innovative company in the world. It’s a competition where the prize is market share, customers, and profits. And the cost of entry is high. This is a competition where there is no finish line. To compete, companies must invest heavily in R&D. But n

innovation arms race is not really a race
Members Public

Ideas Are Not Innovations!

Ideas inspire people to change how we do the things we do. But ideas by themselves are just an inkling of what could be. Ideas that remain ideas forever eventually become ideas of the past, things we once thought could change the world. But never did. No one ever changed the world by just thinking [

ideas are not innovations - innovations come from taking action
Members Public

I’m Bored!!

Why are we so afraid of being bored — to have that time of stillness? We feel compelled to fill that silence with something. We fill it with screen time or with emails or with phone calls or cat videos. Those moments of silence can be unnerving, but our brains need that solitude for the […]

Boredom is key to subconscious serendipity that leads to creativity
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Innovation in Education: What’s Old and What’s New

The world our kids will need to compete in is radically different from the world ten years ago. The old adage about education that “what was good enough for you when you were a kid is good enough for today” gives comfort and justification that everything is fine. Everything is not fine. Our schools

failure in education to teach creativity and innovation
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The Best Creative Thinking Tool You Probably Haven’t Tried

While we all have a go-to creative thinking tool that always works for us, we should always be open to trying new tools. I’m sure you’ve met a humorless person before. They’re those people that take everything far too seriously and never find humor in life or other people. If you want to be creative

creative thinking from humor
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An Ethics Crisis in 2020 – Here Is To A Better 2021

Given the esteem and trust we grant scientists and innovators, how could this happen?  How could research fraud, falsified data, and unproven conclusions result in 1,800 papers in leading journals and peer review articles being retracted in 2020? And this is not an anomaly. [1] Two decades ago, jour

Ethical Research - Do What Is Right Not What is Easy
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10 Colleges That Offer Innovation Degrees and Majors

Innovation is currently one of the most sought-after qualities in business. Yet it’s also elusive. How do you encourage innovative and creative thinking in yourself and others? One approach is to study it in college. Yes, there are now colleges and universities that offer degree programs that award

Innovation Degree and Majors
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Is It True That Exercise Can Radically Boost Creativity?

You lace up the running shoes and go out for an early morning jog. Halfway through your workout, the crystal-clear solution to that nagging problem you’ve been thinking about for weeks pops into your head like a bolt of lightning. You speed up to get home and write down that creative solution before

improved creativity exercise
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Brainstorming for Fun and Profit – 5 Tips for Teams

Today’s economy is not for the weak of heart.  From new media to flexible work hours to diverse workplaces, the business of business has become more complex than it ever was before.   To compete in the ever-changing marketplace, you have to be flexible, creative, and daring without forsaking sensibl

brainstorm for profit
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8 Simple Steps To Be More Creative

So you want to be more creative? It may not be as hard as it sounds. Like so many other things in life, there are steps you take to train your creative muscle. Want it. Do you even want to be creative? If so prove it to yourself by living a life that embraces for […]

creative creativity