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Phil McKinney

Phil McKinney is an innovator, podcaster, author, and speaker. He is the retired CTO of HP. Phil's book, Beyond The Obvious, shares his expertise and lessons learned on innovation and creativity.

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Short-Term Thinking is a Barrier to Innovation in America’s Private Sector

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been discussing the innovation problem America faces and its various points of origin, from our education system to government initiatives. Obviously, there are many factors that determine how innovative our nation is overall, but since the private sector is usually whe

corporate hand cuffs
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The Innovative CEO: How to Lead Innovation from the Top

What is Oscar Munoz doing walking airline fields in a safety vest? As the new CEO of United Airlines, you may expect him to hole up in a cozy office somewhere, directing the company from behind closed doors. How he’ll perform as a CEO for one of the more troubled airlines in operation today is […]

CEO leadership in innovation
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Innovation in America: How the Government Helps and Hurts

Formerly a global hotbed of innovation, the United States in recent years and decades has regressed back to the mean as several other countries are catching up. In a previous post, I’ve examined the role our education system plays in hampering (and helping) innovation. But what role does our governm

children creativity inspiration
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200 Years of Great Ideas and Hard Work Led To the Overnight Success of Your Smartphone

As I discussed in a previous post, the basic components of success are the idea, hard work, timing, and maybe a little bit of luck. Here, we’ll look at how that formula worked to create the massive success of the modern cell phone. Success As you walk down the street in any major city in […]

Title: The Journey of the Communication Industry
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Innovation in America: How Our Education System Hampers Creativity

I outlined it in a previous post: America has an innovation problem. Once regarded as a nation of innovators and entrepreneurial spirits, the United States are on track to fall behind nations like China and Japan on metrics like R&D spending and technology innovation. But the problems with innovatio

education is key to any countries ability to innovate
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Stop Being Negative: Become an Anti-Critic

It’s an unfortunate fact that the world is full of critics who feel that it’s their place to put others down left and right, based on their ideas, actions, and even personal beliefs. It seems that being negative is the order of the day, based on its prevalence among TV pundits, editorials, and anony

stop being critical else no innovation
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United States Innovation Problem and How We Can Solve It

The United States used to be the undisputed global leader in innovation. In the past, we put a large portion of our considerable economic power behind research and development, with the goal of becoming and remaining the most innovative country in the world. However, in the past few decades, America

innovation and ideas coming from the United States - US innovation
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The Recipe for Innovation Success

Success in innovation isn’t going to happen overnight, nor does it happen as a matter of chance. There’s nothing preordained about successful innovation. There are a number of factors that can contribute to the ultimate success or failure of your latest idea, but the basic formula that I’ve learned

successful innovation
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9 Daily Exercises that I Do to Keep My Creative Muscle in Shape

No matter what profession you’re in, it’s important that you’re able to think creatively and look at your work with fresh eyes every day. Unfortunately, however, it may feel like a challenge to constantly be at the top of your game. The common question I get is “what exercises do you perform to keep

creativity exercises to improve you ability to innovate imagine imagination
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What is the linkage between travel and creativity that inspired Hemingway, Twain and others?

What is it about travel that has developed a reputation for increasing creativity within an already-flexible mind? Many sources reference Hemingway, Twain, and others as traveling creators – that is, authors who did some of their best work during or following international travel. Something about th

travel makes you more creative