FTC Disclosure
The content on this site is © 1999-2016 Phil McKinney & Techtrend Group LLC. The content is made available as part of Phil’s “pay it forward” effort so the content is licensed under Creative Commons – Non-Commercial with Attribution.
The content on this site is © Phil McKinney & Techtrend Group LLC. All Rights Reserved unless otherwise noted.
The content on Techtrend sites is made available as part of Phil’s “pay it forward” effort so it is licensed under Creative Commons – Non-Commercial with Attribution. If you wish to use the content for any purposes not covered by the Creative Commons License, please contact us.
As of December 1, 2009, the FTC requires bloggers to provide an ‘FTC Disclosure' whenever there could be hidden interests or unspoken biases related to recommendations.
First, the obvious: I am a tech executive and an investor, and we advise other companies.
Second, the less obvious: If I interview someone and they grab the bill for lunch, I would need to specify this, as I would if I use an Amazon link that gets me 8 cents instead of an Amazon link that gets me 0 cents. If someone gives me something that appears in a photo, I must disclose it.
This would be tedious for me and obnoxious to you. But rules are rules.
To cover me and preserve your reading experience, please assume that, for every recommendation, link, and product I use, the following all hold true:

(Illustrations courtesy of Louis Gray and Jeannine Schafer)