How to Stay Relevant as an Innovator
Do you sell atoms or bytes? Do you think that your answer could change over the next five years? Think about Amazon and the Kindle. Jeff Bezos asked, What is my role going to be if the nature of books changes? He realized that to stay relevant and necessary his company needed to retain control […]

Finding Ways to Offer Underused Resources
I’m an innovation guy. It may not say so on my business card, but that’s what I do. I encourage people, whether inside HP or in my meetings with customers around the world, to accept that they and their product are going to have to change. No matter how popular and successful your work is, […]

The “Creating Killer Innovations” CD Is Finally Here!
The long awaited Creating Killer Innovations CD is finally here! The CD has been two years in the making and I’m sure that many of you had given up that it would ever become a reality. To “thank you” for you patience, I’ve arranged for a $5.00 discount on the CD for listeners of the […]