Improving Your Match Quality: How to Differentiate Yourself and Thrive
Have you ever found yourself in a job you thought you wanted, only to realize it wasn't the right fit for you? Or maybe you've been in a job for years but still feel unsatisfied with your career? The concept of match quality might be the missing piece to your career puzzle.

There Is No Such Thing As A New Idea, And That's Ok.
It's time to think differently about what is a new original idea. Instead of creating something entirely from scratch, focus on finding fresh connections between existing ideas. By combining pre-existing elements in innovative ways, you can create something unique that has never been seen before!

Changing The Default: The Secret to Innovation Success
We all have defaults in technology, routine, beliefs, or anything else. But what if we could challenge the default and try something new? What would happen then? That is the secret to innovation success.

The First Mover Myth: Why Being an Improver is Actually Better
Do you ever wonder why some companies are wildly successful while others quickly fizzle? The answer lies in the power of being an improver—not a first mover. History has repeatedly proven that entering later with a superior offering is often better.

Innovation Hero Worship: FTX, Theranos, and the Media
Just because we consider someone an “expert” or an “innovator” doesn’t mean we should automatically believe everything they say. We should be willing to challenge the idea.

The Near Future. Step Inside
Using an Innovation Storytelling approach, created a short film, The Near Future—Step Inside, which gives viewers the ability to peek into the future.