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career advice

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The Surprising Effects of Gratitude

Did you know a simple 'thank you' can radically transform your workplace? Research reveals that regular expressions of gratitude can decrease turnover rates, boost morale, and even foster innovation. Show appreciation for your team and watch the positive effects!

The Surprising Effects of Gratitude
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Embrace the Hard: The Secret to a Fulfilling Life

Embracing difficulty can transform your life! Surprisingly, studies suggest people who consistently choose the hard path over the easy one are more likely to lead fulfilling, successful lives. Discover how to embrace the hard.

Image of man rolling rock up the hill signifying hard work
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Don’t Play Follow The Leader With Your Career

Why do so many people believe they can become successful simply by copying what successful people do? Identifying a role model and then playing follow the leader is an age-old habit of looking for “shortcuts” to success. Why? Are They Smarter?   Many people believe their role models are successful b

follow the leader signage on a road
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Stop Acting Stupid and Change Your Mind

As humans, we have a unique superpower. That superpower is our ability to convince ourselves that something is true — when it’s not. We act stupidly.  Sometimes stupidity makes people act against their own best interests. When their belief in what is true is challenged by contradictory evidence, stu

Acting stupidly is like have a ball and chain around us.
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Are you ready to compete in the creative economy?

Just do a quick comparison of the market value to the book value for public U.S. companies over the last two decades and you will see the dramatic upward rise in value attributed to intangibles – ideas, innovations. In this new world, wealth creation is dependent upon the capacity of a nation to con

Are you ready to compete in the creative economy?
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Personal Branding

I came across a site (Life Beyond Code) that has a very cool book on personal branding for technology professionals.  A number of listeners of the podcast have been asking for career advice as they make the shift towards a more ‘creative’ position within their company. To flip the pages, just click

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