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Don’t Play Follow The Leader With Your Career

Why do so many people believe they can become successful simply by copying what successful people do? Identifying a role model and then playing follow the leader is an age-old habit of looking for “shortcuts” to success. Why? Are They Smarter?   Many people believe their role models are successful b

follow the leader signage on a road
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I’m Bored!!

Why are we so afraid of being bored — to have that time of stillness? We feel compelled to fill that silence with something. We fill it with screen time or with emails or with phone calls or cat videos. Those moments of silence can be unnerving, but our brains need that solitude for the […]

Boredom is key to subconscious serendipity that leads to creativity
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Stop Acting Stupid and Change Your Mind

As humans, we have a unique superpower. That superpower is our ability to convince ourselves that something is true — when it’s not. We act stupidly.  Sometimes stupidity makes people act against their own best interests. When their belief in what is true is challenged by contradictory evidence, stu

Acting stupidly is like have a ball and chain around us.
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The Best Creative Thinking Tool You Probably Haven’t Tried

While we all have a go-to creative thinking tool that always works for us, we should always be open to trying new tools. I’m sure you’ve met a humorless person before. They’re those people that take everything far too seriously and never find humor in life or other people. If you want to be creative

creative thinking from humor
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The False Theory of Idea Scarcity

“The world has a limited amount of resources.” While there are many resources that are finite, some believe there is a finite number of ideas. But, in reality, this theory of idea scarcity is a myth. When an idea creates the spark that leads to something new being created, it takes the place of some

one idea out of many
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Never Forget 9-11 Memories of Charles Falkenberg

If you are a regular reader of the blog, you know it is my policy to avoid mentioning companies and specific individuals … this is a special case – I want you to know Charles Falkenberg. Charles was the Director of Research (CTO) for ECOLogic – a small company based in Washington DC where I […]

Charles Falkenberg
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Innovation Mentoring vs. Innovation Coaching: Which Do You Need?

Mentoring is certainly not a new concept. In fact, the name comes from a character named “Mentor” in Homer’s Odyssey. He was a trusted advisor to Odysseus’ son. Even though its roots run back thousands of years, however, the recent growth of social learning has given rise to a boom in mentoring and

Innovation Mentoring vs. Innovation Coaching: Which Do You Need?
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Exceptionally Normal

It is normal that no two people are exactly alike. Not even twins. So the word normal should not be confused with the word average. If you leave your fingerprints on something, you might as well leave your name and address since no two people have the same prints.  You hear music and see a […] http

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Great Leaders Keep Cool Under Fire

My grandfather had an old saying when I was growing up, “Never burn a bridge.” At the time, I thought it was a strange saying. It was only later that I realized what he was saying. No matter how someone treats you, don’t get angry and never retaliate as it will destroy the relationship. Great […] h

Keep Cool
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10 Colleges That Offer Innovation Degrees and Majors

Innovation is currently one of the most sought-after qualities in business. Yet it’s also elusive. How do you encourage innovative and creative thinking in yourself and others? One approach is to study it in college. Yes, there are now colleges and universities that offer degree programs that award

Innovation Degree and Majors