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creative thinking

Is Humanity's Dependence on Technology Good Or Bad?

Humanity has created a dependency on technology, which can significantly enhance problem-solving while eroding thinking skills. The key lies in the balanced, mindful use of technology to complement rather than supplant critical thinking and cognitive skills.

Is Humanity's Dependence on Technology Good Or Bad?

How to Manage Cognitive Load and Optimize Your Thinking

Did you know your brain can overload like a computer with too many tabs open? This phenomenon, termed 'cognitive load,' can decrease focus, retention, and overall performance.

Image of a brain that overloaded. AI Generated.

Automaticity: A Thinking Trap?

Just as a car can be driven more smoothly and efficiently when the driver doesn’t have to think about each action, so can our lives run more smoothly when some tasks are done automatically. For example, if you’ve ever ridden in a car with someone learning to drive, you know it’s not a very smooth […

A child learning match by building automaticity

The Thinking Skills Needed For Success

How often do we step back and think about how we think? Probably not often enough. However, understanding how we think is important if we want to improve the quality of our ideas and, as a result, our innovations. Periodically throughout my career, I have benefited from reflecting on how I think. It

thinking skills

How To Use First Principles Thinking To Innovate

Thinking is one of the essential skills a person must learn. It allows us to decide, solve problems, and come up with new ideas. And yet, many people never learn how to do it properly. The history of thinking goes back centuries. The ancient Greeks were some of the first people to think about thinki

team collaboration using first principle thinking

Thinking Creatively in a World of Normality

The world is a place of normality. It’s the place where we go to school, work, and come home to our families. We see the same people every day and do the same things. We are used to doing things in a certain way and we don’t question it. But what if we were to […]

a group thinking creatively

Are You Unconventional Enough in Your Thinking?

Unconventional thinking from unconventional individuals is the lifeblood of innovation. They are the people who see things in a new way, and because of this, they often come up with truly unconventional ideas. Ideas that conventional thinkers would never think of. And while it’s true that many uncon

A picture of fish being an unconventional thinker

The Best Creative Thinking Tool You Probably Haven’t Tried

While we all have a go-to creative thinking tool that always works for us, we should always be open to trying new tools. I’m sure you’ve met a humorless person before. They’re those people that take everything far too seriously and never find humor in life or other people. If you want to be creative

creative thinking from humor

3 Actions To Improve Your Creative Thinking

I recently was listening to an audio program by Earl Nightingale. He was making the point that the opposite of bravery is not cowardice; the opposite of bravery is conformity. It was one of those simple statements that struck a nerve especially when thinking about creative thinking. Conformity In my

creative thinking