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customer loyalty

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Free Shipping!

The other day my daughter Rachel ordered some shoes from Zappos. She’s used them a few times in the past, and the next morning she got an e-mail saying her shoes had been shipped overnight as a reward for being a good customer. Now, one of Zappos’ gimmicks is that shipping is always free, but […]

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The Benefit of Being Strategically Disliked

The flipside to any positive emotional connotation or connection is a negative one. If you are inspiring enough such that some people love what you are doing, odds are you are going to be inspiring others to dislike your product with an equal passion. Plenty of companies trade on the fact that they

being strategically disliked
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What customers are saying and thinking about you

A few years ago, a passenger complaint letter to Virgin Atlantic circulated around the web. It was very long, fully illustrated with photos, clearly somewhat tongue-in-cheek, and very funny, but it made a few good points about the bad food and surly service this particular passenger had experienced.

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Keep your users passionate in a positive way

I’ve never shopped at the online craft marketplace I’m not often in the market for hand-knitted iPod cozies, customized guitar cables, or the like. However, since 2005 has signed more than 400,000 merchants and nearly seven million users. Their annual sales figures for 2010 were $

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Where are your future customers?

How will you identify and locate customers in five years? Every hot trend reaches a point I like to call the “Uncle Larry moment.” You know what I mean. It’s the juncture where one of your older relatives announces he’s taken up something that had seemed cutting edge, futuristic, and exciting up til
