How Does FIRE Fix The Innovation Gap?
The main challenges that all organizations face are what I call the innovation gap and the innovation delay. The innovation gap is the difference between the need for really great ideas and the actual supply of them. The innovation delay refers to how long it takes you to go from selecting an idea f

Focus Your Search For Better Ideas
The first stage of FIRE, Focus, is about doing a thorough but organized search, so you don’t inadvertently ignore a critical area of discovery. Successful innovation is the translation of better ideas into something, such as a product, that is real. If you are focused in your approach, you will be a

5 Steps to Avoid Burnout and Complete Your Project
As much as we may eagerly anticipate the completion of a project, we would probably be lying if we did not admit to some burnout or fatigue along the way. Even in the event of a killer thesis, a dynamite business proposal, or a practical play-by-play game plan, there still remains the actual work re

Setting The Right Innovation Focus
If you are a regular reader of the blog and/or listener of the podcast, your familiar with the basic foundation of the Killer Innovations approach is to define the area of focus for an innovation and then ask the “right question” (If you are not, go have a listen). I’ve covered the topic of […]