Finding Ways to Offer Underused Resources
I’m an innovation guy. It may not say so on my business card, but that’s what I do. I encourage people, whether inside HP or in my meetings with customers around the world, to accept that they and their product are going to have to change. No matter how popular and successful your work is, […]

Innovation by Design: When Bad Designs Lead To Failed Innovations
Innovation is a process. It’s not just an idea that turns into a revolutionary product and changes the world. It takes work, trial and error, and most of all, design. Design can be the difference between a product, service, or experience that alters the way people live, and something that is forgott

Are inventions at risk to cyber attacks?
New inventions are the source of the exciting changes we see in technology, media, transportation, and pretty much every aspect of our lives. Could the process of turning an idea into a real life-changing invention be at risk to cyber attacks? According to Mark Anderson, the publisher of Strategic