Fear Steals Your Best Ideas
Fear isn't just an emotion - it's secretly sabotaging your success. Discover the real-world cost of playing it safe and learn practical ways to stop fear from killing your best ideas. Warning: This article might make you actually do that thing you've been putting off.

The Myth of Scarcity: The Endless Supply of Ideas
It's time to shift our mindset from win/lose to win/win. The unlimited potential of ideas and innovation allows us all to succeed without taking away from others. The limit to our success is the limitation of our imagination.

There Is No Such Thing As A New Idea, And That's Ok.
It's time to think differently about what is a new original idea. Instead of creating something entirely from scratch, focus on finding fresh connections between existing ideas. By combining pre-existing elements in innovative ways, you can create something unique that has never been seen before!

Finding Ideas In The Mundane and Familiar
How many times have you walked past something and not really seen it? How many times have you seen something a million times without ever really noticing it? It’s easy to take the familiar for granted. We’re so used to it, we see it as mundane and stop paying attention. “The Disease of the Familiar”

Sharing is Caring – So Share Your Idea!
One of the biggest mistakes we make in life is convincing ourselves that our ideas are unique and ours alone. We rationalize keeping our ideas to ourselves because we are afraid that others will steal them, or worst—we believe our ideas aren’t good enough. Our ideas are precious, but they aren’t tha

Ideas Are Not Innovations!
Ideas inspire people to change how we do the things we do. But ideas by themselves are just an inkling of what could be. Ideas that remain ideas forever eventually become ideas of the past, things we once thought could change the world. But never did. No one ever changed the world by just thinking [

Ideas Have The Power To Change The World – For Good and For Bad
Ideas have power. They can change the world. They can open new windows of opportunity and inspire us to do things that we never thought possible. Ideas transform our perception of what is possible and inspire us to push on when we feel like giving up. Success can be just around the corner with one [

The False Theory of Idea Scarcity
“The world has a limited amount of resources.” While there are many resources that are finite, some believe there is a finite number of ideas. But, in reality, this theory of idea scarcity is a myth. When an idea creates the spark that leads to something new being created, it takes the place of some

The Overlooked Secret to Innovation
As a society, we have a problem. Some years ago, the late Nobel Prize winner Dr. Albert Schweitzer was asked by a reporter, “Doctor, what’s wrong with people today?” The famous doctor was silent for a moment, then he said, “People simply don’t think!” Why do some not

Top Ideas and How to Execute Them
Which Top Ideas to Pitch? The next stage is to consider how these ideas might be implemented by your organization. Look at the top ideas and say to yourself as the leader, “These are great ideas—how can we execute them?” The following questions will help you get to your answer: Can we get our teams