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Just Do It!

Any writer, syndicated cartoonist, innovator or perhaps a podcast host; sooner or later will run into what some would call writers' block. They find themselves drawing a blank. They have a deadline rapidly approaching and they find themselves with nothing -- not a single good idea. Writers Block It

Just Do It!
Members Public

Be Brave To Innovate

Did you know the opposite of bravery is not cowardice? The opposite of bravery is conformity. Doing everything the same way that everybody else does it, being like everybody else, thinking the same way everybody else does. Conformity is the “safe” approach which actually puts us at more risk. It

Be Brave To Innovate
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Innovate with Fresh Eyes

I’ve been in the innovation game for more than 30 years. Hard to believe. With that many years comes loads of experience but also some downsides. As with most things, when you’ve done something for a long time, you tend to fall into a pattern - a rut.

Innovate with Fresh Eyes
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What Products Could I Create Out of Unused Assets

I’m an innovation guy. It may not say so on my business card, but that’s what I do.   I encourage people, whether inside HP or in my meetings with customers around the world, to accept that they and their product are going to have to change.   No matter

What Products Could I Create Out of Unused Assets
Members Public

What product or service to stay ahead

On October 4, 1957, Russia launched a beach-ball-sized satellite named Sputnik, which orbited the Earth in just over ninety-six minutes. The previous frontrunner in the space race, the United States, was now the runner up. Our only competitor had trounced us, seemingly out of nowhere. A month later the Russians

What product or service to stay ahead
Members Public


The Killer Questions are used in the Ideation phase of FIRE. The point of the Killer Questions is to keep you focused on a specific facet of your organization, your customer, your product, or your operations, but at the same time keep your search for ideas expansive within that area. The Killer Ques

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The Permission to Innovate

Some people don’t believe that they can generate the ideas their companies need. A story from a few years ago, when HP acquired a small start-up, illustrates the reason behind this mind-set perfectly. As part of the process of introducing the new team to HP, I hosted a session and invited HP employe

Permission to Innovate
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Who is passionate about my product

I’ve never shopped at the online craft marketplace or even any of its competitors. Not an area of interest for me as I’m not often in the market for hand-knitted iPod cozies, customized guitar cables, or the like. As for my wife and daughters – they are

Who is passionate about my product
Members Public

What is surprisingly inconvenient about my product

What is surprisingly inconvenient about my product? The designers and engineers who work at HP face many challenges in getting their ideas signed off on.   It’s a long process from an idea to a finished prototype.   Before any product can hit the market, it faces one final test.   I

What is surprisingly inconvenient about my product
Members Public

How Can My Product Change in 5 Years

Do you sell atoms or bytes? Do you think that your answer could change over the next five years? Think about Amazon and the Kindle.   Jeff Bezos asked, What is my role going to be if the nature of books changes? He realized that to stay relevant and necessary his

How Can My Product Change in 5 Years