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Continue Innovating During An Economic Downturn?

The current economic downturn may have you feeling like you need to hunker down and wait it out. Especially in innovating during an economic downturn. This is understandable—no one wants to risk their hard-earned money in uncertain times. But this is actually the optimal time to take innovation lead

innovating during an economic downturn

Innovation Arms Race: The Invisible Risk

The innovation arms race is the race to be the most innovative company in the world. It’s a competition where the prize is market share, customers, and profits. And the cost of entry is high. This is a competition where there is no finish line. To compete, companies must invest heavily in R&D. But n

innovation arms race is not really a race

If People Would Behave Decently, The World Would Be Decent!

Charles Dickens is quoted as saying: “If men would behave decently, the world would be decent.” This is so true! If we want to see a change in the world, it starts with each one of us behaving decently. When we are kind, compassionate, and respectful to others, we set the tone for how we […]

acting decently

Thinking Creatively in a World of Normality

The world is a place of normality. It’s the place where we go to school, work, and come home to our families. We see the same people every day and do the same things. We are used to doing things in a certain way and we don’t question it. But what if we were to […]

a group thinking creatively

Are You Playing The Innovation Long Game? An HP Story.

It’s a question that all businesses must ask themselves at some point: are we playing the innovation long game or have we settled for the quarterly short-term metric of innovation success? What does it take to stay engaged in an era when trend shifts happen with dizzying speed, and new technologies

Concept image of the innovation long game

Why Do People Keep Insisting On Dissenting From Me?

I just don’t understand why people keep insisting on dissenting from me. It’s really quite frustrating and annoying. But I suppose I’ll just have to deal with it because it’s not like I’m ever wrong about anything. 🤔 😉 Dissenting is expressing disagreement with or opposing an opinion, view, or att

image of a team in discussion during a brainstorm

Being Thrown Under The Bus: The Dilemma of Blame

This last week, I got pulled back into a Hewlett-Packard Enterprise ($HPE) news cycle. Last Thursday, the UK courts ruled there was fraud by Autonomy, their CEO and CFO related to its acquisition by HPE. When HPE wrote down $8.8 billion against the acquisition in 2012, HPE executive leadership got b

An image showing the words Blame and Responsibility

Sharing is Caring – So Share Your Idea!

One of the biggest mistakes we make in life is convincing ourselves that our ideas are unique and ours alone. We rationalize keeping our ideas to ourselves because we are afraid that others will steal them, or worst—we believe our ideas aren’t good enough. Our ideas are precious, but they aren’t tha

graphic of sharing ideas and why teams are important

Don’t Play Follow The Leader With Your Career

Why do so many people believe they can become successful simply by copying what successful people do? Identifying a role model and then playing follow the leader is an age-old habit of looking for “shortcuts” to success. Why? Are They Smarter?   Many people believe their role models are successful b

follow the leader signage on a road

The One Thing That Will Kill An Innovation And What You Can Do To Avoid It

When most innovators pitch what they think is the next brilliant innovation, I’m shocked by how many of the innovators will make what sound like extreme claims without taking take the time to fact-check.  While fact-checking is most commonly applied to journalism. There have been many public reveals

fact versus fake lightbulbs