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Leadership Beyond Position and Title

Imagine wielding the power to influence the world, not from a grand podium, but through everyday actions that spark change. Leadership isn't confined to the corner office—it flourishes in the heart of those who dare to inspire. You hold that power. The question is, will you step forward and lead?

Leadership Beyond Position and Title
Members Public

The 8 Books That Inspired The Most Ideas This Year

Reading books is one of my favorite hobbies and is my dominant source of inspiration that sparks new ideas. I love books that challenge me to think differently and that introduce me to new concepts. Some of my favorite books have been the ones that have sparked the most ideas, as evidenced by the nu

Covers of the 8 books that inspired the most ideas
Members Public

A Moment of Inspiration

A wonderful piece on highlights how a moment of inspiration — extracting a cork from a wine bottle — resulted in The Innovation Story of the Year — a new way to safely extract babies stuck in the birth canal. Also reported in the New York Times last month, the story of Argentine car mechanic

moment of inspiration