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Innovation in America: How the Government Helps and Hurts

Formerly a global hotbed of innovation, the United States in recent years and decades has regressed back to the mean as several other countries are catching up. In a previous post, I’ve examined the role our education system plays in hampering (and helping) innovation. But what role does our governm

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CIO’s Role In Innovation – Stirring Up Creativity At The Core (Video)

Many believe that the CIO’s role is to keep the IT “lights” on. Given the I’m a former CIO, I understand and appreciate the challenges of the CIO job. Below is the link to a video of some of my thoughts on how IT and the CIO can play a key role in driving the innovation agenda within their organizat

Forbes video
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Here Is The Metric That Can Predict Future Innovation Value

How do you measure the productivity of your innovation investment?  The goal of any R&D organization is to conceive, develop and deliver product and/or services that customers will highly value and therefore be willing to pay a margin premium. The challenge is that the standard metric for innovation

economic downturn innovation value