Innovating Using The Daffodil Principle
Want to know the secret to take ideas and make them real innovations? It is what I call the “daffodil principle” which I learned/stole from an article published by Jaroldeen Edwards. In one of the small mountain communities in the Sierra foothills, there is a church. If you take the time to pull off

Inspiring Innovation: A 5 Minute Challenge
Inspiring innovation seems more like an art than any kind of skill or science. The sudden spark that results in an exciting new idea seems random – like it came out of the blue. Studies have shown what seems random was actually inspired by something your did, read or saw in the past. Inspiring Innov

What Customer Segments Will Emerge In 5 Years
With any radical idea you will see the corporate antibodies come out of the woodwork, giving all the standard reasons why the idea will “never happen.” Remember, the fundamental assumption of the corporate antibody is that the future will be the same as today. Your customers are going to change.

I got deep fried by these guys during an interview on the topic of innovation
A few weeks past, I was interviewed by the hosts of the Deep Fried Bytes Podcast (Keith & Woody) on the topic of innovation. The discussion covered everything from how anyone can learn innovation to the role innovation plays in your career. Keith and Woody also drill me about the book, Beyond The O

Crossing the chasm has a new meaning in today’s world
Geoffrey Moore, the author of “Crossing The Chasm” and I have had the opportunity to spend time together in the past including him agreeing to be interviewed for the podcast (one of the most popular podcast to-date). If you’re interested, here are links to the interview: Part 1 and Part 2. I came a

The “Creating Killer Innovations” CD Is Finally Here!
The long awaited Creating Killer Innovations CD is finally here! The CD has been two years in the making and I’m sure that many of you had given up that it would ever become a reality. To “thank you” for you patience, I’ve arranged for a $5.00 discount on the CD for listeners of the […]