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An Ethics Crisis in 2020 – Here Is To A Better 2021

Given the esteem and trust we grant scientists and innovators, how could this happen?  How could research fraud, falsified data, and unproven conclusions result in 1,800 papers in leading journals and peer review articles being retracted in 2020? And this is not an anomaly. [1] Two decades ago, jour

Ethical Research - Do What Is Right Not What is Easy
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Is The Project Worth Pursuing?

What are your criteria for deciding that an idea is worth pursuing? We all have our own set of selection criteria, the first of which is usually looking for profits. However, selecting a course of action based solely on ROI can be limiting. If you are doing something really innovative, how on earth

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Why Can’t University Research Return An ROI?

With university research and innovation, it’s well known that funding is becoming scarcer and researchers are under a lot of pressure to produce important findings. But what doesn’t get discussed too often is how research universities can make their funding count. While university research can produ

Return on university research funding
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There Really is a Killer Question Card Deck ….

As a result of the twitter feed of killer questions, I’ve received a number of emails asking about the background on the killer questions. Since it seems like of a topic of interest, I thought I would give you some insight into how they came about …

There Really is a Killer Question Card Deck ….
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Here Is The Metric That Can Predict Future Innovation Value

How do you measure the productivity of your innovation investment?  The goal of any R&D organization is to conceive, develop and deliver product and/or services that customers will highly value and therefore be willing to pay a margin premium. The challenge is that the standard metric for innovation

economic downturn innovation value