senior management
4 Reasons Why You Should Break The Rules And Go Stealth For Your Next Innovation
You’ve got a great idea but you know from experience that the C-Suite isn’t tolerant of radical innovations without reams of back-up data. The Catch-22 is that to fund the proof of concept, you need C-Suite approval to work on improving the idea. What to do? Break the rules. The answer might lie i
10 Quotes From Bill Hewlett and David Packard That Every Executive Should Read
Below are 10 quotes from Bill Hewlett and David Packard that I use as a periodic kick in the pants. 1. The greatest success goes to the person who is not afraid to fail in front of even the largest audience. 2. Set out to build a company and make a contribution, not an empire […]
We don’t have time for innovation, we need a solution now!
I’m amazed at how many executives will put off investing time and energy in innovation until they are faced with a crisis. Then they run around lamenting the fact that the innovation funnel is empty. Why are they surprised? They clearly understand that you need to invest in sales resources (people