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Innovation in the Classroom: Why Education Needs to Be More Innovative

Education is the foundation of our economy. What (and how) we learn in school determines who we become as individuals and our success throughout our lives. It informs how we solve problems, how we work with others, and how we look at the world around us. In today’s innovation economy, education beco

Innovation in the Classroom: Why Education Needs to Be More Innovative
Members Public

How to teach kids to be more creative (video)

With the transition from the information/knowledge economy to the creative economy, it’s more important than ever to make sure our kids are ready to compete in the workforce. The reality is that the schools are not preparing them so it falls on the community (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, et

How to teach kids to be more creative (video)
Members Public

Help Create The 12 Killer Questions To Innovate US Education

I’ve been asked (more like challenged) to create a dozen or so killer questions that could be used by teachers, schools, districts, state education agencies, federal agencies, etc. to help  innovate the educational system in the US.  I took up the challenge as a “pay it forward” project to help the

Killer Questions that lead to breakthrough innovations