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10 Colleges That Offer Innovation Degrees and Majors

Innovation is currently one of the most sought-after qualities in business. Yet it’s also elusive. How do you encourage innovative and creative thinking in yourself and others? One approach is to study it in college. Yes, there are now colleges and universities that offer degree programs that award

Innovation Degree and Majors
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Why Can’t University Research Return An ROI?

With university research and innovation, it’s well known that funding is becoming scarcer and researchers are under a lot of pressure to produce important findings. But what doesn’t get discussed too often is how research universities can make their funding count. While university research can produ

Return on university research funding
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Short-Term Thinking is a Barrier to Innovation in America’s Private Sector

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been discussing the innovation problem America faces and its various points of origin, from our education system to government initiatives. Obviously, there are many factors that determine how innovative our nation is overall, but since the private sector is usually whe

corporate hand cuffs
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Innovation in America: How the Government Helps and Hurts

Formerly a global hotbed of innovation, the United States in recent years and decades has regressed back to the mean as several other countries are catching up. In a previous post, I’ve examined the role our education system plays in hampering (and helping) innovation. But what role does our governm

children creativity inspiration
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What is the role of government to encourage small business innovation?

Since the beginning of time, it’s been entrepreneurs that drive the creation of innovation.  True breakthroughs have been the result of an individual or small team who had an idea and the determination to see it through to fruition.  In many cases, ignoring the advice of friends and the lack of what

small business innovation and the role of government