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Small Business Ideas That Went Big

Everyone has to start somewhere and this is often true with a small business. Starting off with small business ideas doesn’t have to stay small, however. There are many that can grow into giants. In today’s world of small business, we can take inspiration from those who took a little idea and turned

small business ideas that went big
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Whats missing to ensure we have a robust community of entrepreneurs?

Do you agree that entrepreneur’s are artists? I do.  The act of creating something from nothing is art and that’s what entrepreneur’s do everyday.  This holds not only for the process of launching a business but also for the innovations they create. The  drive to innovate is at the heart of the entr

Whats missing to ensure we have a robust community of entrepreneurs?
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My Latest Forbes Column – When Should You Buy The New, New Thing?

My latest column for Forbes has just been posted … One way technology companies make money is by pushing their latest and greatest gadgets to their most rabid customers—and charging a premium for it for as long as they can.  The question: Do you plunk down early and often to get an edge on […]

My Latest Forbes Column – When Should You Buy The New, New Thing?
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One more thing on my plate – writing a regular column for Forbes

A few months ago, I was approached by about writing a regular column where I would share my views and opinions on technology.  Given everything on my plate, I hesitated but finally made the plunge.  Now I have one more person running my life, an editor! (Thanks Brett)   To be clear, this

Forbes video
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What is the role of government to encourage small business innovation?

Since the beginning of time, it’s been entrepreneurs that drive the creation of innovation.  True breakthroughs have been the result of an individual or small team who had an idea and the determination to see it through to fruition.  In many cases, ignoring the advice of friends and the lack of what

small business innovation and the role of government
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US vs China Parents – What skills do children need to be innovative?

During a recent meeting I attended with educators and government officials, I shared my frustration with the “output” of the current educational system. In my opinion, we optimized the system to produce graduates with deep technical skills and the ability to take tests. One competency that I see mis

US vs China Parents – What skills do children need to be innovative?