3 CEO’s who get innovation
Over my career, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know a number of CEOs. The general perception in the market is that the CEO’s of public companies are only focused on meeting the quarterly numbers. The following are 3 CEO’s who get innovation. How do I know? I’ve had the opportunity to spend mea

Shrek’s law of innovation means blockbuster movies
As a trustee of the Computer History Museum and having worked closely with Jeffrey Katzenberg (CEO) and Ed Leonard (CTO) of DreamWorks Animation, I was asked to be the moderator for an event titled “The Technology of Animation”. I got to play Jay Leno for ~90 minutes and interview them in front of

Sundance and 3D (Updated with video)
With all of the excitement around 3D (Avatar, UP, Monsters Versus Aliens, etc) , the key driver for the future success of the media is in expanding the development of good 3D content. Because of the newness of the media, there is the need to share the lessons learned, techniques and technologies to