Finding Ways to Offer Underused Resources
I’m an innovation guy. It may not say so on my business card, but that’s what I do. I encourage people, whether inside HP or in my meetings with customers around the world, to accept that they and their product are going to have to change. No matter how popular and successful your work is, […]

The Battle for Customers
Odds are that you and your competitors are actually competing in two distinct ways. The obvious battle is the one to win customers from each other. The less obvious, but equally important, one is the battle for the resources required to produce your product. We touched on the concept of unexpected j

Fight or Flight Against The Corporate Antibodies
I have a very simple reason for being passionate about pushing back (fight) against corporate antibodies. Nearly all great ideas require nerve, vision, and guts to get in motion. The corporate antibody is the first of many hurdles that you’ll need to push your idea past. If you can’t develop the ski

What Are The Rules And Assumptions Under Which You Organization And Industry Operates?
To uncover the assumptions that could be blocking you from seeing the challenges and opportunities, here are two questions that are designed to help you discover the rules and assumptions under which your organization and industry operates. I want you to use them to start unraveling the assumptions

Are You Blind To The Disruptive Trends In Your Industry?
When I saw this cartoon on my flight back from China last week, I couldn’t stop laughing. It reminded me how easy it is to be blind to the disruptions that are happening all around us. How is it that we can’t see the changes happening? Because it requires that we admit that we missed something […]