technological innovation
The Hidden Price of Tomorrow's Innovations
In the quest for a tech utopia, what shadows lurk behind innovation's glow? What are the untold costs and narratives masked in progress? We need to take a balanced perspective on technological utopianism so that we have a future that is not just bright but also truly beneficial for all.

Shrek’s law of innovation means blockbuster movies
As a trustee of the Computer History Museum and having worked closely with Jeffrey Katzenberg (CEO) and Ed Leonard (CTO) of DreamWorks Animation, I was asked to be the moderator for an event titled “The Technology of Animation”. I got to play Jay Leno for ~90 minutes and interview them in front of

8 Conditions of Technology Development
I was recently going through some old files and notebooks and came across a paper I wrote during my sophomore year in college (Spring 1980). The paper was for a course on the history of technology that I titled, Conditions of Technology Development. The professor, who happened to be the Assistant