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These essays on innovation cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of innovation to detailed case studies and examples. Each essay is designed to give readers an understanding of the principles that drive innovation while providing practical advice on creating successful innovations. Through these essays, I aim to help readers better understand the process of innovation and use it more effectively in their own lives.

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3 CEO’s who get innovation

Over my career, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know a number of CEOs.  The general perception in the market is that the CEO’s of public companies are only focused on meeting the quarterly numbers.  The following are 3 CEO’s who get innovation. How do I know? I’ve had the opportunity to spend mea

ceo's who get innovation ceos ceo
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Will there be any new technology innovation at CES?

It’s that time of year when companies prepare to show off their latest technology innovation at the show to end all shows – CES (Consumer Electronics Show).  Given the changes in my role at HP, I thought I was going to be able to dodge going.  Instead, I will be attending CES this year as […]

CES hype innovation at CES
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8 Conditions of Technology Development

I was recently going through some old files and notebooks and came across a paper I wrote during my sophomore year in college (Spring 1980).  The paper was for a course on the history of technology that I titled, Conditions of Technology Development.  The professor, who happened to be the Assistant

Technology Development
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Stop talking about innovation and instead get innovating.

I recently gave a speech at the annual PDS Conference (Milwaukee, WI) on the topic of Enabling Innovation: A Strength In Any Economy.  In the speech, I challenged the audience (CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders) that every group within an organization needed to take ownership of the innovation

Stop talking about innovation and instead get innovating.
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What is your Dilbert Index? It’s More Important Than You Think

Organizational culture is one of those items that you can’t describe what it is, but you know when it’s broken.  In the 7 Immutable Laws of Innovation, the Law of Culture states: Establishing and nurturing an innovation culture sets the foundation for the organization. For leaders it means rewarding

What is your Dilbert Index? It’s More Important Than You Think
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Don’t hang your need for innovation on the false hope of serendipity

In a recent survey of senior executives, 91% say that innovation is very important or highly important to the success of the organization.  At the same time, only 37% of those same executives say they have confidence in their process/methodology for innovation.  In the 7 Immutable Laws of Innovation

Don’t hang your need for innovation on the false hope of serendipity
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Disagree at your own risk

In my opinion, those organizations that encourage disagreement have a higher likelihood of success.  Why?  Because encouraging team member to voice their disagreement brings out alternative ideas, enhancements and perspectives that management didn’t consider or overlooked. Be careful because most or

Disagree at your own risk
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Whats missing to ensure we have a robust community of entrepreneurs?

Do you agree that entrepreneur’s are artists? I do.  The act of creating something from nothing is art and that’s what entrepreneur’s do everyday.  This holds not only for the process of launching a business but also for the innovations they create. The  drive to innovate is at the heart of the entr

Whats missing to ensure we have a robust community of entrepreneurs?
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Do we lack patience when it comes to innovation?

Patience is not a skill that comes naturally.  At least not to me.  I’m just as aggressive as the next person when it comes to wanting to see the impact from my ideas.   What I have plenty of is impatience.  I want to see the results now, not years down the line.  The reality […]

patience innovation time
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Is your compensation structure holding your organization back from innovation success?

I’ve been recently laid up recovering from some medical work that I had done.  During this time, a number of my friends sent me their books to read.  Needless to say, I’m well stocked with reading material for the forciable future.  One person who recently gave me their new book (to be released […]

Is your compensation structure holding your organization back from innovation success?