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Innovation Mentoring vs. Innovation Coaching: Which Do You Need?

Mentoring is certainly not a new concept. In fact, the name comes from a character named “Mentor” in Homer’s Odyssey. He was a trusted advisor to Odysseus’ son. Even though its roots run back thousands of years, however, the recent growth of social learning has given rise to a boom in mentoring and

Innovation Mentoring vs. Innovation Coaching: Which Do You Need?
Members Public

How to teach kids to be more creative (video)

With the transition from the information/knowledge economy to the creative economy, it’s more important than ever to make sure our kids are ready to compete in the workforce. The reality is that the schools are not preparing them so it falls on the community (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, et

How to teach kids to be more creative (video)
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Reverse Mentoring: Things I learned from Phil

I’ve invited my summer interns to write-up their thoughts/opinions/lessons learned from the summer experiment in reverse mentoring.  Below is the first post from Curtis …   Things I learned from Phil . . . . It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, always produce. Complete the assignments that you are g

reverse mentoring intern experiment
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Reverse Mentoring

Hanging out with staff and interns that are younger than your own children is a real eye-opener.  You quickly realize that you are so far out of the loop – you can’t even see the loop.  The challenge is how to you get yourself back into the loop without looking like a creepy old guy […]

Reverse Mentoring