A Bizarre New Perspective on Brainstorm
We’ve all been in a meeting where we were asked to brainstorm. The concept is familiar. Everyone involved writes out everything they can think of on the given topic, even if it seems strange, silly, or not quite practical, because sometimes, as we let our brains really run, we come across a solutio

Don’t hang your need for innovation on the false hope of serendipity
In a recent survey of senior executives, 91% say that innovation is very important or highly important to the success of the organization. At the same time, only 37% of those same executives say they have confidence in their process/methodology for innovation. In the 7 Immutable Laws of Innovation

What is it that I do??
Over the last few years, I’ve recieved a number of emails asking for a “behind the scene” look into what it is I do and how it relates to innovation. Today there was an article published at based on an interview I gave a few weeks back that gives you a peak behind […]

Black Toilet Paper
Day 3 of a whistle stop tour across Europe speaking on innovation and design. Have you ever had the strange feeling of waking up in a strange hotel and not knowing for sure what country, city or time zone you are in? The morning we awoke in Paris was one of those mornings. Except […]

Are you an innovator?
At, Clayton Christensen authored an article that gives his perspective on what an organization needs to be doing to consider themselves as “innovating”. The questions that Clayton posed were: 1. Do I have a balanced portfolio with different types of growth stratagies? 2. Have I allocated

10 Ways to Rethink Your Work
From the Fast Company blog … Getty Images has an interesting project in which they worked with five collaborators to consider 10 Ways — how 10 different approaches to photography can change how you look at images. As I explored the different elements, which include light, information, memory, space,

A Different Perspective
All of our lives, we’ve been conditioned to think in terms of opposites: – Up or down – Big or small – Fast or slow – Good or bad This simplistic way of dividing everything into equal and opposite groupings restricts our ability to recognize complexities. Subtleties. Opportunities in the chaos. Not