creative economy
Improve your creativity or lose your job
The economy upon which companies and employees have built their future has changed. The creative economy requires that you improve your creativity or lose your job Just do a quick comparison of market capitalization to book value for public U.S. companies over the last two decades. There is a drama

How to teach kids to be more creative (video)
With the transition from the information/knowledge economy to the creative economy, it’s more important than ever to make sure our kids are ready to compete in the workforce. The reality is that the schools are not preparing them so it falls on the community (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, et

What Do (Should) I Sound Like?
Sounds like a silly question, doesn’t it? It’s not. We are bombarded with visual logo’s that help sell a brand – why not audio? In the last few years, audio logo’s (sound branding) have become THE thing to have in the brand arsenal with the objective of becoming the “hook” to get people to pay atten

Are you ready to compete in the creative economy?
Just do a quick comparison of the market value to the book value for public U.S. companies over the last two decades and you will see the dramatic upward rise in value attributed to intangibles – ideas, innovations. In this new world, wealth creation is dependent upon the capacity of a nation to con

What is the role of government to encourage small business innovation?
Since the beginning of time, it’s been entrepreneurs that drive the creation of innovation. True breakthroughs have been the result of an individual or small team who had an idea and the determination to see it through to fruition. In many cases, ignoring the advice of friends and the lack of what

Slides From The Keynote At The Open Innovation Summit
Below are the slides I used during my keynote this morning at the Open Innovation Summit in Orlando. The topic was “How to Win In The Creative Economy” and touched on: The transtion we are experiencing from the knowledge economy to the creative economy The challenges of innovation (corporate anti-b

Job Of The Future: Creativity Guru
As we move from the information/knowledge economy to the creative economy, a new category of jobs will need to be created. These new jobs will be critical to helping companies make the transition from the “old world” to the “new”. One such job of the future – creativity guru. For those of us who wa

Creative Economy – How Should It Be Defined?
There is a ongoing battle in the “creativity” community on how best to define the creative economy. Why is this so important? To prove that something exists, in this case an emerging economy, you must be able to measure it. There are two fundamental camps: The creative economy is defined by companie

The emerging creative economy …
I’m a big believer that we are on cusp of a change from the information economy to the creative economy. We’ve been through these kinds of changes before with the shift from agriculture to industrial to information and now to the emerging creative economy. Why do I believe that this change is coming

Can Design Increase Your Likelihood For Success?
The UK Design Council has a new case study up, on how design was used to prop up declining sales of steam irons as well as competing with cheaper asian imports. Here’s a snippet. The product was based on detailed analysis of the market which highlighted two areas for product innovation which would p